5 Reasons Kilts Make a Great Christmas Gift4 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsHave any good Christmas gift ideas for this year? As my mother always advised us,…Read More
How to Choose the Best Kilt Fabric for You4 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsYou have decided to make the ultimate Celtic plunge and order a proper kilt. And,…Read More
What Do Kilt Colors Mean?4 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsIf you’re fascinated by the beautiful kilts of Scotland, you’re not alone. You can find…Read More
Wedding Kilts 1014 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsPicking your wedding kilt is one of the most important decisions you will make, and…Read More
Everything You Need to Know About Poly-Viscose Fabric4 years agoThe Celtic CroftKilts, TartanMaybe you are like so many of us that suffer from an unfortunate allergy to…Read More
What Did Scots Wear Before Kilts?5 years agoThe Celtic CroftCeltic History, KiltsWe’ve all seen the image of the highlander in what we consider the traditional kilt.…Read More
How to Care for, Clean, and Press Your Kilt5 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsTaking care of your kilt is a crucial task in helping it to look its…Read More
Why do Men Wear Kilts?5 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsWith more and more people discovering their Irish and Scottish heritage, kilt-wearing has become a…Read More
What is the Difference Between a Scottish and Irish Kilt?5 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsIt is a common misconception that all kilts are created equal, but we are about…Read More
Kilt Fashion: What is Worn Under a Kilt?5 years agoThe Celtic CroftKiltsIt is a question so often pondered, yet so rarely voiced, and is sure to…Read More